I have been reading this book,
Everyday Deserves a Chance, by
Max Lucado. It is really a wonderful book about enjoying everyday life despite the challenges. The truths are simple but really life changing if lived out. Looking up to God for our help was something I had just read when we were getting ready to go on a trip to Minnesota when one of my sons couldn't find his Nintendo DSi. With a 10 hour drive this was a must find! He remembered "hiding" it from his younger brother who erased some of his files. But, he hid it too well and was pretty upset about it being lost! We had done a pretty thorough cleaning for a BBQ a few days prior and it wasn't seen then. After searching last evening, I prayed to God who knows all things, to reveal where it was. We still hadn't found it when we went to bed. This morning as I was getting our things packed I stood in my kitchen and asked God to remind Justin where he had put it. Just a couple of minutes later he came downstairs and walked to our dining room table, reached underneath and pulled it out! He had such a big smile on his face and said "Hallelujah!" Oh, praise the Lord!! I told Justin how much God cares for him; even the little things, like a Nintendo. Isn't God sooooo good? Oh, how I want to have more childlike faith to trust God in every situation!
Be blessed!
1 comment:
I have not seen this book, I'll have to look for it. I love the story about the nintendo. What a great lesson for your son to see God in action! I'm trying to practice more childlike faith as well. God is good!
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