
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Scripture

photo found here
"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, 
you also ought to wash one another's feet.  
If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them."
John 13:14,17

Friday, February 25, 2011

Lost and Found

My son lost this sled just before Christmas and I found it on my walk the other morning.  We live in a golf course community and it was laying just beside the golf path on hole number 1!  Quite a ways from where he left it in our yard more than 2 months ago!  I just couldn't believe my eyes!  I had prayed for it to be found  but my faith was pretty weak due to strong wind gusts that could have blown it anywhere. 

At the time I was torn as a parent between teaching him responsibility and having mercy on him for his forgetfulness.  Do we as parents ever get to the point of knowing exactly how to train our children??   More importantly our Heavenly Father knows; He is the best parent hands down! He cares for us so very much that he would "keep" this sled safe through wind, snow, ice and a warm spell for my eyes to find it.  My son was astounded when I told him.

"But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not be struck with fear or seized with alarm; you are of greater worth than many flocks of sparrows."  Luke 12:7

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fishie Fun

I was inspired by this fishing game and decided to try and make one myself.  It will be a gift for my son's preschool friend who is turning 5.  I just love the bright tropical colors of the fish (especially cheery on this gray, snowy day in Indiana!)

I sewed a large washer in each of the fishes mouths and the "worm" enclosed in felt contains a stronger magnet.  Two fish on one worm!  Now that's a good day of fishing, wouldn't you say?

I used 1/4"  ribbon as the fishing line and attached it to a short bamboo pole.  I like how the bamboo looks like an old fashioned pole.

A fun book about Thomas completes the gift set.  Happy 5th Birthday, Eli!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Phineas and Ferb

We hosted a birthday party for our son who just turned 12 over the weekend and one of his friends made him these cartoon characters from the Disney show Phineas and Ferb.  Aren't they amazing?  I love how he made them all by himself.  His dad has a complete woodworking shop that he is able to use.  I think he did a great job and it was such a thoughtful gift!  We had given our son an air-soft gun for a gift and he must have told of all of his friends because they showed up at our house with all of their guns, too!  They had a blast (literally) shooting them at each other in the dark.  They were a great group of kids to have over and it was a joyous birthday for sure.

I am off to get in some sewing for a baby who will be arriving soon while my youngest takes a nap (highly unusual!)


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Winter Thaw

With the warm weather we are having this week our snow is just about gone (hallelujah!)  This warm weather has allowed me to get out and walk which feels so wonderful!  It put a spring in my step to do a little planting (indoors that is!)  The cilantro will be a nice addition to the basil that is growing in my little greenhouse in my dining room window.  Won't it be yummy in fresh salsa?  Our warm weather won't last as they are predicting cold weather next week but I am going to enjoy the warmth while it lasts!  Spring can't be that far away, right?


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More Celebration at our House

Last night my hubby made me a wonderful Italian dinner and we were able to dine alone in the comfort of our home.   I was swooning over the roses, fine china and dinner made just for me!!  Our boys meanwhile enjoyed  pizza in front of the TV in our basement.  We did this a number of years ago and my 2nd oldest reminded me how much fun this was and could we do it again?  So we did!

This same son turns 12 today (only one more year until he is a teenager - boohoo!)  This photo was taken 5 years ago.  He is in his element because he just loves the snow!  I thought he was going to be born on Valentine's Day and I kind of hoped for it but he came the next day.  It's a good thing since he dislikes any mushy love stuff.  And who wants to share a birthday with a holiday, anyway? God certainly knows best doesn't He?

I am off to wrap his gift!  Blessings!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello everyone!  Happy Valentine's Day!!  Do you know what makes this day so special??  Well, there are many theories as to why we celebrate this special day and I came across this link while doing some research.  Valentine loved God and shared his faith openly at a time when there was great persecution.  In fact it cost him his life many years ago on this day.

"Greater love has no one than this, than one lay down his life for his friends."  John 15:13

May you give and receive some love today!  Have a joyuful day!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Some Valentine Fun

 My 5-year old has his Valentine's Party today at preschool so we were busy yesterday making his cards.  I bought the stamp at Michael's for only a $1! 

Just a little ink, some chocolate (yummy!) and a cute signature and we were done with his teachers cards.

Then he signed his name to 26 of these candy cards.  He was a little overwhelmed by so many to do but he persevered and did a great job! 

We are looking forward to a fun party this morning.  I pray God's blessings on your day today!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Whole Lotta Love

 I was so inspired by this, found at  Daisy's Are My Favorite Flower, that I just had to make my own!  Her hearts are so lovely and romantic with cursive stitching no less!

I created a swag across my stairway railing using red and pink tulle.  Then, I tied the swags off with a tulle bow and attached the felt hearts at the center.  I really enjoyed working with the felt.  It's great stuff since it doesn't wrinkle or unravel (unlike some other fabrics that will remain nameless!)  And since it's so inexpensive what's not to love??

Adding more love into my home, my parents came to visit us this weekend and they brought me this dollhouse.  My dad, a hobby woodworker, put it together for me.  My hubby bought it as a kit for me many years ago and I gave up assembling it after a few attempts.  I just knew that fabric and yarn were more of my thing!  My dad said he enjoyed putting it together and it's so much more meaningful being made by him.

The interior, however, is still unfinished (that's where I come in!)  It looks a bit rough with the unfinished floors and walls.  But, I had some used dollhouse furniture in some boxes that were just a whole lotta fun to arrange inside this quaint little country victorian!

My favorite find was an antique sewing machine (on the dresser) and a sewing basket complete with working scissors!   It sort of felt like moving day setting up the furniture!  Oh, I am imaging all sorts of possibilities to soften and dress up the rooms.

It was wonderful to be with my parents as well as "play" with my new dollhouse.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Calm After the Storm

This morning dawned bright and clear after our winter storm.  My boys are home for the 3rd day and we are still waiting for the snow plow to clear our road.  Today will be an icy, cold day with temperatures climbing up tomorrow.  I am so ready for some warm weather!  My muscles are aching from all the shoveling yesterday.  What a workout it was!  Thankfully, the strong males in my house did most of the work!

Pink Primrose

 This primrose blooming in my little greenhouse gives me hope that spring will come with all of its beauty.  In the meantime I have been working on a Valentine's Wreath.  I was so inspired by this that I set out to make one for my front door.  If you go to the link she has a wonderful tutorial on how to make it with clear photos.


 I started with a larger wreath than she did since my front door is a good size.  I bought the 18" straw wreath at Michael's.  The other supplies I bought at JoAnn's.  I bought 1/2 yard of felt in white, baby pink and red.  The ribbon and tulle I am using for a different project that I will reveal next (if everything goes well today!)  It was good to keep my hands busy while the storm was raging.  It was also good to try something new to chase my winter blues away.

So, here it is!

Valentine's Wreath
 Thank you Sarah, from Best Bites, for sharing this!  Their website is just loaded with awesomeness!  I invite you to take a look if you haven't before.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Holt International
About 6 months ago I began supporting a chinese baby girl who didn't have a mommy or daddy to care for her through Holt International.  They are a Christian organization specializing in orphanages and international adoption.  My chinese girl's picture has been on my refrigerator since I received it and I've been praying for her to be placed in a loving, godly family.  Well, just last week, I received a letter saying she had been adopted by an American family.  While I was glad my prayers were answered I was also a little sad I wasn't a part of her life anymore.  Thankfully, Holt gave me another girl, about 10 years old from Nepal, who I can support.  She sounds like a sweet girl who loves school and her friends.  It is a rewarding experience to be a part of these girls lives even though we live so far away.  Isn't it wonderful how God gives you room in your heart to love more people?  What a joy!
