
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Birdie Pillow Love

A few weeks ago my mom (in-love) came to visit us with a few of her friends on their way back home from Florida. 

Holy Land Experience
 One of the places they visited in Florida was The Holy Land Experience, a living biblical museum, located in Orlando.  I had never heard of it before but it is definitely a place I would love to take my boys (and it wouldn't hurt to "see" the beach, either!)  Anyway, they were on the road for quite a few days and were tired from their journey by the time they got to my home.  They were happy to be able to kick back and relax.

One of the sweet gals who stayed here is a bird lover.  In fact, she shared with me she has a pair of lorikeets.  Aren't they beautiful birds?  I just love their bright colors!

Needless to say she was smitten by the throw pillows on my couch.  She thought the birds were so cute!  Well, these I had just picked up at Target after Valentine's Day at 75% off.  At the time, I knew they were a brighter red than my couch but my boys had "loved on" the silk embroidered pillows I had made a little too much and so I thought these would be good indestructible replacements! 

I said I would be happy to sew her some throw pillows since her couches were without some pillow love!  She was so delighted that I would do that for her.  I promised her I'd find some bird fabric to go with her black leather sofa and love seat.

Well, after they went home I found this cardinal fleece at Hobby Lobby and bought it since she told me she really liked cardinals.  In fact, when she was here, she shared how one day she had been talking with the Lord how she wasn't seeing any cardinals.  Since God is a big God, who goes beyond what we could ask or think, He sent her a whole flock of cardinals one day for her to see right outside her window!  Isn't that awesome?  I love how he didn't send just one, but many for her enjoyment! 

image found here
I do think cardinals are one of the prettiest birds.  They are so striking against a snowy landscape.  I always feel honored when I see "one" because it doesn't happen very often.

Well, I made a total of 4 pillows for her.  There wasn't any fancy sewing involved by any means!  I found the pillow inserts (18x18") at Hobby Lobby for a very reasonable price and read it's best to cut the fabric the same size as the pillow insert (using a 1/2" seam allowance) so that it will be nice and fluffy when closed up.

There you are Karen, I hope you like them!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Savoring Spring

Yesterday we had what I thought was our first warm day of spring.  Spring seems to be running late this year!  I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my tulips that I planted last fall.  It's so exciting to see green growth after a long winter!

Even our trees are showing off their buds.  It was enough to make my soul sing we glee!

The day even warranted some bubble fun.  My boys found it was best to situate themselves with their backs to the wind to get the largest bubbles.

My youngest was trying his hardest to keep up with his older brother!

Much to our disappointment a cold front moved in overnight and it looks like the temperatures will be quite chilly for awhile.  We are thankful none the less for the little bit of time outside.

God's Blessings!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Day at the Beach

Awhile ago I found myself at a wonderful blog by Mari-Ann Counting Coconuts.  I really like her blog name and her creative Montessori teaching methods.  I've found her photos so inspiring particularly her beach theme activity.
Our beach activity.
I am continually challenged with keeping my 5 year old "busy" when he's not in preschool so I thought I would try a similar beach activity for him.  It was an instant hit!  An added blessing was we were able to do it outside on our patio since it was warm enough.   It was so good to be outside without a coat on!!  Whohoo for spring!


He had so much fun playing in the sand.  We used styrofoam (found at the dollar store) to hold the umbrella picks in place.  They ended up looking kind of like islands in our ocean, don't you think?

"All You Need for a Beach"
I also read him some books from the library about the beach and ocean .  Next, I hope to have him identify the shells but in the meantime I may need another bottle of sand since a lot of it spilled out the sides!

This was a great way to pretend like we were at the beach!

Happy Spring!

Monday, March 21, 2011

More Dollie Fun!

All Dolled Up
A friend of mine asked me to sew some doll clothes for 2 of her granddaughters.  They are going to have a birthdays at the end of the month.  Yay for birthdays!!!  For the first granddaughter she decided she wanted a party dress.  I found the bright pink fabircs at Hobby Lobby and knew it was just right since it is her favorite color (one of mine, too!!)

Here it is!!  I made the skirt slightly longer than the pattern and sewed a little purse to match.

The purse was an easy accessory to make and it helps pull the whole outfit together.  A girl has to accessorize doesn't she??  He he!

The second granddaugher is younger and has a Bitty Baby.   I had just enough of this puppy flannel left to make this.  Too bad I don't have a Bitty Baby to put it on so you can see it in 3D!

I also whipped up a tiny receiving blanket and appliqued a puppy in the corner.  Now she can wrap up her baby!

Happy Birthday girls!!  Enjoy your special day!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Scripture

image found here
"The Lord is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation."
Psalm 118:14

Blessings and Peace!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Since I knew very little about the origins of this holiday I did a little research.  After all, why do we eat green food, wear green, etc?  Turns out this day is honor of Patrick who was a missionary in Ireland.  He used the shamrock to teach them about the trinity.  He was an evangelist for over 30 years and was instrumental in bringing Christianity to the Irish people.

Here is a poem thought to have been written by him,
Wake Up Call
I arise today
Through God's strength to direct me,
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak to me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's hosts to save me from snares of devils.
From temptation of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
Afar and anear,
Alone and in a multitude.

Whether you celebrate much or little today I pray God's blessings on you!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dressing up Dollie

I was asked to make some doll pj's for a special girl.  I selected this brown puppy dog flannel trimmed with pink polka dot from my stash.  I was happy to find out after I started she loves pink and brown!

The pattern I used for the nightgown came from Joan Hinds latest book, "All Dolled Up."  The instructions are very clear with nice photos.  The pillow was my own creation and the slippers I made from another of Joan Hinds books, "Sew the Contemporary Wardroble for 18-Inch Dolls." 

A thin strip of velcro is sewn on the back opening which makes for easy dressing by little hands.

It was a lot of fun to make the tiny doll ensemble and I hope it will make one special girl happy!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunday Scripture

photo found here
"And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me;
Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord."
Psalm 27:6

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Amish Grace - Forgiveness 101

Photo found here
I recently saw the movie, Amish Grace, for the first time.  It is an emotionally difficult movie to watch but worth it none the less.  I have always been fascinated with the Amish.  Their simple way of life, humility, gentleness are incredibly honorable.  The movie is based upon the Amish schoolhouse shooting on October 2, 2006.  That day five girls were killed and 5 more badly injured. 

photo found here
 The news of the massacre shocked the nation but how the Amish reacted to the killing of their innocent children was even more astounding.  How they, just hours after the massacre, extended their forgiveness and compassion on the grieving and confused wife and father of the killer.

The mother of one of the girls killed really struggles with the issue of forgiveness and is almost ready to leave the Amish community.  Her husband says this to their struggling daughter,
 "Hate is a very big, very hungry thing... with lots of sharp teeth. It will eat up your whole heart, and leave no room left for love."

And this to his angry wife,
"It is not easy to forgive, Ida. The Lord does not ask us to walk an easy path... But this I know - faith when everything is as you want it to be is not true faith. It is only when our lives are falling apart that we have the chance to make our faith real..."

Wow . . . I just don't think it could be said more succinctly.

It really convicted me of the times I harbor some resentment towards someone over something pretty minor for more than a day.  And I wonder, how quickly would I have extended my forgiveness if my child had just been murdered?  Could I forgive?  I don't know.

But this I do know, there is nothing more beautiful than obeying God's commandments as the Amish did in forgiving their enemy.   It didn't immediately remove their pain but it allowed God to heal their hearts.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Baby Love

Receiving Blanket, Ribbon Blanket

It is so much fun sewing for a baby!  I just love the tiny patterns and soft fabrics.  My husbands side of the family is having a shower for a new baby girl who will make her arrival in April.  Naturally, I had to make something and I chose this cute ladybug flannel.  The pattern also has tiny flowers and leaves.  Sorry my photos aren't great  .  .  . it's tough to see the petite lady bugs making their way.  To make a receiving blanket  I serged the edges of 1 1/4 yds (to make it as big of a square as I could) rounding the corners as I went along.  Also, I sewed a ribbon blanket and it is oh, so soft.   I just love the pink minky on the back.

Burp Cloth, Bib

It always amazed me how many messes my babies could make.  How could someone so cute be so messy?  But, they were!  So, I made a number of burp cloths and a bib with soft, pink chenille on the back.

Burp Cloths
 The new mommy will be prepared for whatever little messes come her way with all of these burp cloths, don't you think?

Babies are a blessing!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Beginnings

We've had a number of new beginnings at our house lately.  First of all, my third oldest just started guitar lessons and he is really enjoying it (despite mommy reminding him to practice!)  "Mary had a Little Lamb" and "Merrily" are some of the songs he's been playing.

We were surprised and extremely pleased to learn his teacher is a Christian.  He gave this pick to my son after he told him he listens to Christian music.  How cool is that??

"White Cloche"  0-3 month

"Strawberry Pink Cloche"  3-6 month size

"Hot Pink Cloche" 6-12 month size
 While he's been learning notes and chords I've been learning how to crochet these beauties.  I saw these baby cloche hats featured on Aesthetic Nest and I just had to try them.  They look so adorable on sweet baby girls.  Her tutorial can be found here.  I used the "Sugar'n Cream" cotton yarn she recommended.  It is really easy to work with and readily available.  The hats go pretty fast once you get the pattern down (took me a few tries!)

photo found here
The last new beginning to share with you is I have been asked to cover for our church's administrative assistant while she is on maternity leave.  So, after a few days of training I begin tomorrow!  I am both excited and nervous but I couldn't imagine better people to work for.

While I have never been a daily blogger this new opportunity will probably mean less sewing and blogging for me.  I am sure this will hone my time management skills!!  

Any new beginnings in your life?

Blessings on your day!