
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Saige: Girl of the Year

It's always a good day when an American Girl catalog arrives in my mailbox.  This was my first time seeing Saige: girl of the year for 2013.  She didn't disappoint.

Isn't she beautiful?  Her eyes are a gorgeous vivid blue-green and she has long auburn hair (and freckles, too!)  Her hair is plenty long to style into braids.  Isn't it cute off to the side twirled into a long ponytail?  Oh, the possibilities!  She comes with an indigo dress featuring a flared tiered skirt paired with brown riding boots.  The dress's beaded waist is true to her New Mexico heritage.  So what kind of a girl is she?  Well, naturally she loves to ride horses and paint.  Wouldn't you?

I don't know why but I still get an excitement over dolls even though I'm all grown up and have children of my own.  I remember pouring over thick catalogs dreaming about all of the things I wanted for Christmas for my baby doll: strollers, blankets, bottles, clothes, etc.  They were all pink of course!  It was so fun to look at the photos and dream.  

How about you?  Do you like to pour over catalogs and dream?  If so, which ones cause that stir in your heart?



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

A new beginning dawned today as our calendars flipped to 2013.  Wow!  2012 has come and gone and we are on our way into the new year.  A new year full of hope and expectation.

I thought I would share several photos from our Christmas.  As usual, we loaded up our minivan and traveled to Minnesota to be with our families.  With Christmas music playing, movies to watch, and cookies to munch the trip went by quickly.

We had such a lovely time being together with our loved ones.  It really is what Christmas is all about.

My children were excited to play in Minnesota's snow.  They didn't have as much as previous years but they had fun anyway.   I love to watch them from inside :)

My boys exchanged gifts with one another.

And my foodie son enjoying a "bite" out of his new piggy bank.

Even though December can be so busy with all of the shopping, wrapping and baking I still found time to sew.   My sister asked me to make a doll dress and she selected this sweet pink dress.  The sheer skirt overlay has these tiny sequins that look like bubbles. 

And my biggest project was completing this quilt I started over 2 years ago!

My dear mom was the happy recipient of it.

Those are my silly boys in the background:)

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I pray God's blessings in the New Year for you.

May you have loving relationships, great health and a close walk with the Lord in 2013.
