
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring is Finally Here!

Spring has finally arrived in northwest Indiana and none too soon!  We had such a long winter and a cold March which made everyone anxious for Spring.  My spring bulbs have bloomed and I couldn't be happier.

 While working in my garden on Sunday the sweet perfume of my hyacinths was just heavenly.

I had been wanting a chalkboard in my kitchen for a long time and I finally found what I needed at Hobby Lobby to put it together and got it hung up in time for an Easter message.  That's one project off my list!

Meanwhile my youngest son had planted sunflower seeds at school and ever since he brought them home he has been faithful to remind me to water the tender sprouts.  Too bad his sweet pea seeds never sprouted:(

Lastly, I thought I would share a photo of my boys playing outside over Spring Break.  They are working together to make a smoke bomb.  What boys don't think of to do!

Each day I see more blades of green grass and larger buds on the plants and trees.   I love it!  Can you tell Spring is my favorite season?  I think it's exciting to see the plants waken up and for lush green lawns to appear almost over night.  Are you seeing signs of spring where you live?  I hope so.
