
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Scripture - Just Believe

Jesus said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid, just believe, and she will be healed." Luke 8:50

Jairus, just moments earlier, had pleaded with Jesus to come and see his 12-year old daughter who was dying. Along the way to his home, Jesus stopped to talk to the woman who had touched his garment and was healed with the issue of blood. During that time Jairus got word his daughter had died and was told not to bother Jesus anymore. Do we sometimes think the same thing? Don't bother the Lord with our problem/need because it's beyond hope. I love what Jesus says to Jairus, "don't be afraid; just believe." It's so simple but profound. We have a choice to make: do we give up or do we be believe?

I have a good friend who has been searching for a teaching job for 2 years. She has been doing substituting and daycare in the meantime. Her victory came just days ago as she was offered a full-time teaching job. During those 2 years she really missed having her own classroom and languished over why she couldn't get a teaching job! She had applied so many times and was about out of hope. But, God moved on her behalf and how sweet the victory is!! Just as it was for Jairus! Jesus healed his daughter when others said it was too late. My encouragement today is for you not to give up hope in a difficult situation. Choose to believe and wait for God to move!

God's blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post today. It is a good reminder for me right now. Have a wonderful Sunday!
