
Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting Organized

With summer winding down and needing a break from my quilting I turned to cleaning out our clothes closets. We were asked by our church to bring in one bag of used clothing per person. For us that means 6 bags! Before I started this, I didn't think I could come up with that many but once I got going it was really easy to pull out clothes that just don't get worn. What one son will wear, the other one won't (and it's just wishful thinking he'll change his mind!) It was a bit harder in my own closet. I kept having nagging thoughts like, "you just might wear that again" or "you might need that one day!" But, as I kept pulling things out I'd admire how slimmer the closet was and keep going. With 3 major moves in the last decade I try to live simply. But even so, stuff still seems to creep into my home. Just going through my clothes I got a little excited for fall . . . almost.

I've also been putting our pictures into albums. I'm not sure anyone does this anymore with digital cameras but my boys like to look at them and we have fun sharing memories.

After all this organization I am ready to sew again! Hope you are having a fabulous Monday!

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