
Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Fall

(Photo courtesy of Google)

My thoughts are turned toward the new season upon us: fall. I'm trying hard to embrace the beauty of this season but my heart is saddened to see the green leaves change colors and the flowers fade. Recently on my morning walks I've noticed the crunching of leaves under my feet and the large acorns scattered abroad. Can it be fall, already? Thankfully, we have been having beautiful weather here in Indiana. The days have been sunny and warm and the evenings cool. There's a wonderful crisp scent to the air and the sky is a pretty blue against the white puffy clouds. I'm looking forward to spending time at a pumpkin patch with my family, baking with fresh apples and eating caramel corn. Thank you, Lord for all these good things!

"O, taste and see that the Lord is good!"
Psalm 34:8

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