
Friday, October 29, 2010

A Fall Get Away

We are loading up today for a mini-fall break.  Our boys are really excited!  Half of the males in my family will be doing some pheasant hunting and the rest of us will be spending time with family.  We are really looking forward to fun times.  Getting through the long drive is the most challenging!  I am hoping our faces will still be smiling when we get there!

Have a wonderful, safe weekend!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Some sewing for my boys . . .

There aren't many things I've found to sew for my boys.  So, when I have an opportunity I jump all over it!  Well, my youngest son has loved a little pillow his Grammie made him for years!  When he was old enough to sleep with it, it was right near his side.  But, since it has been loved SO MUCH it was looking a bit sad and need of a replacement.  I finally convinced him to come with me to the fabric store and he was sure Purdue fabric was just right.  I even tackled a knitted cap in the same colors.  It was a rewarding project as I've tried numerous knitted or crocheted projects before and gotten confused with the patterns and given up.  This cap was simply a stockinette stitch with no shaping. It will surely keep him warm on the preschool playground. 
My third oldest wasn't to be out done and wanted his own pillow.  And, this is the fabric he choose!

It was such fun to make these for them.   What do you like to make for boys?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Thankful Heart

Hubby was away on business last evening which means mealtimes are a little (okay a lot ) more crazy.  Last night was no exception.  My second oldest was in a particularly "active" mood.  As a result there were many "lively" comments exchanged between the boys.  They generally get along but they have streaks of competitiveness that can quickly turn a bit negative.  Always wanting to correct or prove they are right wears on me after awhile.  It must have been the Lord who prompted me to have each of them say one nice thing about their brothers at the end of the meal.  So, one by one, they shared out loud straight from their hearts.  I wish I would have recorded it because it was priceless.  Themes of "he's always around to play" and "he's fun to be around" and "he understands me" and "he's good at helping me because he's so smart"  were spoken.  I took my turn complimenting each of them and it was so good for me as well to focus on their gifts because as a mom it's all to easy to find fault with them.  Then I congratulated them on stellar report cards.  Plans were quickly made to go the grocery store to pick out some donuts to celebrate.  They didn't seem to mind the meager selection at 7:30pm.  But, it was a sweet ending to a rather hairy evening.  It's always good to count my blessings! 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Scripture

Photo courtesy of
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty
by which Christ has made us free,
and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."
  Galations 5:1

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Full Weekend

 Last night marked the last baseball game for my boys this year.  It's a good thing since it was extremely cold cheering them on!  They enjoyed every minute of the season and really gave it their all.  It was wonderful to see them progress.

My boys have been invited to a number of birthday parties this month.  So often it's easy to put the gift in a bag but this time I pulled out the wrapping paper and it was fun to make them festive.
My youngest was invited to a Chuck E Cheese party.  He couldn't stop talking about this special party because it would be his first time going there.  Let's just say he'd go back every day if he could!  He just loved playing all of the games and the gratification of earning "tickets" was just the icing on the cake.  He couldn't wait to show his "loot" to his brothers when they came home from school. 
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, too!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Blaze of Glory

What a beautiful fall we are having!  The days have been saturated with sun and warmth and now the trees are showing off there beautiful colors. On my morning walks I have been so mesmerized by God's glorious palette of color and texture.  The morning I took these photos the sun was just making it's way over the horizon.

A wonderful blanket of leaves!

Meandering path.
I like to take a deep breath of the smell of the leaves in the air.  It's so calming!

Breathtaking beauty.

My youngest son and I have been spending nearly every day at the park soaking up the sunshine.  I only wish I knew how to bottle this spectacular weather for the upcoming winter season!  But, alas we have to live in the moment.

Enjoying the park.
And that is what we will do!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Oh, so modern mommy!

My very good friend from college just recently became an "auntie" again.  I was more than happy to make these gifts for her new nephew, Jackson. Since she is considered family to us my boys have called her "Auntie" from day 1!  She knows just how to keep them laughing and joins right in on their silly games (like jumping on the beds!)  She is an elementary school teacher who has such an awesome gift with children.  

Burp Cloth
The new mommy isn't into flowers so this modern print in aqua and brown will keep her looking chic!

Nursing Cover
Aren't new babies wonderful? Welcome, little Jackson!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Scripture

We spent the day yesterday sprucing up the house and baking a number of desserts.  This was all in preparation for today.   We have a life group meeting in our home following church and then a picnic to go to afterwards.  The weather is perfect:  beautiful sunshine!   We are looking forward to food, fellowship and a lot of fun!

"And also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor - it is the gift of God."
Ecclesiastes 3:13

  I pray you will enjoy God's gifts today, too!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kids Workshop at Home Depot

I am always looking for something fun to do with my boys.  This is only the 2nd time we've taken the boys to Home Depot on a Saturday for their Kids Workshop, but I hope to do it more often.  They provide a kit (free of charge) with instructions to build a different project each month.

This month they made fireboats.  I helped my youngest (4) out quite a bit but the older boys could do it on their own.

They also had fire and police people with their rescue vehicles.  My youngest took quite an interest in this police man with his dog and very cool car.  He was able to go in the car and turn on the lights.  Now he says he wants to be a police officer.  I asked the police officer why he chose this as a career and he wisely said it's a career that chooses you.  He never outgrew his desire to be a policeman.  Time will tell what my little guy will be as well as my older boys.  It was definetely a great time.

Blessings on your day,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Take My Yoke Upon You

I woke up this morning with this scripture and I wanted to share it with you, 

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, 
for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."  
Matthew 11:29-30

Blessings on your day!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Scripture

"Even as He chose us in Christ
before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and blameless in His sight,
even above reproach, before Him in love.
For He predestined us as His own children through Jesus Christ,
in accordance with the purpose of His will."
Ephesians 1:4-5

Friday, October 1, 2010

Delicious Caramel Corn!

I invite you to visit the blog Girl.Inspired where I found this fabulous recipe for caramel corn. I have made this 3 times since I found it. It is really addicting and disappears really quickly in my house of 6 people! It's a great treat during the fall. Although, don't be afraid to use the dark corn syrup because the caramel flavor in it just enhances the flavor. Also, don't try making the caramel in the microwave if you are in a hurry. It turns out much better if done on the stove (yes, I am speaking from experience!) This is a great snack to munch on while reading, watching TV or taking with to a your favorite game. The hardest part is waiting for it to bake!
