
Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Full Weekend

 Last night marked the last baseball game for my boys this year.  It's a good thing since it was extremely cold cheering them on!  They enjoyed every minute of the season and really gave it their all.  It was wonderful to see them progress.

My boys have been invited to a number of birthday parties this month.  So often it's easy to put the gift in a bag but this time I pulled out the wrapping paper and it was fun to make them festive.
My youngest was invited to a Chuck E Cheese party.  He couldn't stop talking about this special party because it would be his first time going there.  Let's just say he'd go back every day if he could!  He just loved playing all of the games and the gratification of earning "tickets" was just the icing on the cake.  He couldn't wait to show his "loot" to his brothers when they came home from school. 
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, too!

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