
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Little Boys are Made Of

Puppies have been on my mind lately.  Last week I used up the last of my puppy fabric here and I was happy to find more at JoAnns over the weekend.  Actually, it is slightly different than the one I had but oh so adorable I think.  With just one yard I made a swaddler, burp cloth and bib.  The swaddler is lined with white flannel and the other two have white chenille on the backside.  So, what is it about puppies and boys?  It was captured beautifully in this English nursery rhyme . . .
 What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.
I wish I could have found some sweet girl fabric this weekend but no such thing.  
Speaking of puppies, I don't think I've introduced you to our dog Snickers before.  Here is a picture of our youngest (at 1 1/2) grooming him . . .
I don't think Snickers knew what to think about this new experience.   He was an unclaimed stray and my hubby was more than happy to call him our own.  He's a wonderful dog but his only downfall is HE IS SUPER EXCITABLE around any human being.  He is such a loyal pooch who loves to be petted and played with.  You know the scripture "pray w/o ceasing?"  Well, Snickers motto is "pet me forever."  I suppose boys and puppies are alike in there ability to be messy and mischievous.  My boys have been guilty on both counts!!  Ha ha!  But, aren't they so much fun, too??


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Scripture
"Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have ordained strength . . ."
Psalm 8:1

Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby Blessings

I have been enjoying sewing some more baby gifts.  Just before Christmas my youngest son's classmates welcomed 2 new babies into their homes.  A boy and a girl gift were on my list!  A ribbon blanket and set of burp cloths seemed perfect for each.

Ribbon Blanket and Burp cloths for a new girl.

Ribbon Blanket and Burp Cloths for a new boy.

I also was asked to make a shower gift for a new baby coming soon into our family.  Puppies seemed just the right thing to make into a swaddler, burp cloth and bib.

Puppy's Galore
We are in a winter freeze today; just perfect for staying indoors where it's warm. 
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Scripture

"The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life,
To turn one away from the snares of death."
Proverbs 14:27

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Time to Mend . . .

Sometimes I enjoy doing a little mending (as long as I don't let it pile up!)  For me it's a nice time to pause and give a needed item a little TLC to extend it's wear.

Today, I thought I would share the items I have been working on.

This fuzzy drawstring purse belongs to my 6-year old niece.  The polyester lining was tearing badly so,  I ripped it out and made a new lining out of a thicker silky material and sewed it inside.  My nieces little 2-year old brother also enjoys playing with it (I can just imagine the cars and trucks that go inside!)  Well, anyway it is ready for them to enjoy using again!

This sequined sweater of mine had a few loose sequins.  With just a needle and thread I took care of that!  I like to wear this in the winter; I like how it adds a bit of bling to an otherwise gray day!

I wish I had a mannequin to put this Victorian coat on to show you because this picture just doesn't do it justice.  This is probably the most interesting item in my wardrobe.  A few years ago in December I was browsing e-bay for vintage clothing items.  My eyes fell on this coat and I was intrigued by it.  It is handmade out of a very soft black velvet.  It is completely lined and includes a hood with rabbit fur on the edge (which is still in excellent condition.)  I ended up winning the bid which I was so excited about.  Unfortunately, the seller bought it at a thrift store and so she didn't know it's history which is too bad.  The coat is a little narrow across my shoulders and so one of the seams gave way a little bit.  With just a few stitches it was fine.  I've had to mend the hem several times and other seams as well.  I like to think about who made those first stitches and what events she wore the coat to.  I was a big fan of the Betsy-Tacy books written by Maud Hart Lovelace when I was a girl.  I like to think, like those girls, that she went a courtin' in the winter time wearing this Victorian beauty.  Yes, I am a bit of a romantic if you can't tell!!  But, isn't it fun to imagine?

Well, this is what I have been up to.  I am off to hem some boy scout pants for a friend of mine.

Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowy Girl

Well, here she is . . . my new doll!  She's the one who came home with me.  Isn't she darling?  Her fuzzy coat, boots and hat are perfect for today.  It is pure winter wonderland outside!  The snow just keeps on coming down. 

I am off to spend the rest of the day with my family in celebration of my birthday.  I was born in Minnesota and my parents say they had to borrow their neighbors car when my mom went into labor because theirs wouldn't start!  The snow today seems quite fitting!

May your blessings overflow!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Windy City

New Year's Day found hubby and I in Chicago. They don't call it the windy city for nothing! The locals have it figured out though.  Everyone we passed on the sidewalk was warmly bundled. Maybe they get used to it, I wondered? The women looked so fashionable in their high boots and black coats. This was my first time downtown near the Navy Pier. I've driven through the city countless times but I have never stopped for a visit. Our plans were to go to the American Girl Place first.  But, my eyes took in the plethora of fancy shops like Burberry, Armani, Bloomingdale's and on and on.
Take a look at the size of their tree!
It would have been fun to do some window shopping but my ever focused hubby steered me clear of any of that! It was time to get my Christmas gift - a doll for myself. You're never too old for dolls, right? I've always been a doll lover; I'm a girly girl through and through. Ever since my first visit to the American Girl Place at Mall of America last summer these dolls have intrigued me. I've been mostly sheltered by the whole phenomenon having only boys and friends with boys, and nieces who live hundreds of miles away. But, then I had so much fun sewing doll clothes for my nieces that I wanted the fun to continue!

Here are some pictures I took of our time there.  The picture quality isn't the best since the dolls are behind glass.  There was so much to ooh and aah over!

Isn't this bitty baby dressed all in red with her teddy bear cute?
And what about her all dressed for summer?
Aren't they a lovely pair?  Such gorgeous colors.
A birthday celebration, anyone? 
While the bitty baby's are cute I really prefer the 18" dolls.  And what a variety to choose from!  There are the historical dolls, like Rebecca (who almost came home with me.)

Isn't she pretty?
 And then there are the "look like me" dolls who live the life we'd like to have, such as this . . .

Breakfast in bed no less!
The doll on the left reminds me of the muff I had as a girl.

Friends all dressed for winter.

And, isn't she dressed nice?

Pretty in pink.
The chinese doll reminds me of my friend who collects international dolls.

Pretty girls.

So, which doll did I come home with?  Well, I will save that for the next posting!
May your cup overflow with blessings today!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter Scenes

We are back home again after spending a wonderful Christmas in Minnesota with our families.  Their snowy landscapes were picturesque.  I took a walk on the path shown above on Christmas Eve and it was just magical walking through the woods with the snow crunching under my boots and all of nature so still and quiet.  Thankfully, this year it wasn't too cold with temperatures above zero every day.  My boys just loved playing in the snow!
Making a cool snow fort!

Falling backwards on the fluffy stuff!
Walking up the hill in the distance to go sledding.

Snow fun!

We made so many memories spending time with our loved ones over Christmas. It truly was a joyous Christmas.

Next, I will be showing you some pictures of our day in the windy city!