
Friday, April 15, 2011

For the Joy of Sewing

Isn't he just so cute???  Oh, this photo makes me 
so happy!  He is snuggling with the puppy ribbon blanket I made (found here.)
According to his mom he goes everywhere with it!  Whenever I make something for someone it is to connect with them heart to heart.  Somehow by creating with my hands I give of myself.

His mom said he loves it so much she'd like another one to keep at his day care.

This is the one that will be with him during those special times. 

Now he will have 2 to love on!!  What a joy!

Off it goes to sunny California today!


  1. How precious is that?

    I am so happy for you, it is so rewarding when what you have made is appreciated.

    I am sure that our Heavenly Father is so happy when we appreciate the things and people that He has made. Honey...Thank you! I am glad that you liked my comment. You are special!

  2. I just got back from giving homemade things to little people I love. It is such a wonderful feeling to know you created something that they love! It is comfort for them and how sweet is that? :)
