
Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Easter

My boys
After days of heavy rain we awakened Easter morning to warm temperatures and sunshine!  Oh, what a joy  to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and the weather to rejoice about it as well!  These are my boys all dressed up and I was one happy mama to see them in ties when their normal dress is quite the opposite!!  My 2nd oldest was so upset about wearing the "salmon" colored shirt.  No amount of assurance it wasn't pink helped.  But, there weren't any other choices in his size.  Poor guy!!  My eyes are pealed for a different colored shirt for next year!

Coloring Eggs
The day before Easter it's tradition at our house to color hard boiled eggs.  My boys really love this activity and it's fun for them to see the plain white eggs turn into beautiful colors before their eyes.  What a transformation they make!!

Egg Hunting
It's also a tradition for us to hide plastic candy filled eggs for our guys after our Easter brunch.  Except our oldest had the honors of hiding the eggs this year.  Each boy is assigned his own egg color to find.  So my youngest has it easiest with bright orange eggs.

Reaching for an egg from the gutter
But, it becomes more challenging as they get older.  As you can see gutters are not off limits!!  My oldest was very creative in where he placed the eggs.  They had to work pretty hard to find them all.  We were so glad we were able to do this outside.  There have been a number of years it has been too cold or rainy and we did it indoors.

We really enjoyed our day and have been so blessed to have our parents here to share this time with us.  We feasted on a lot of good food and today we are back to rainy skies :(

My 5-year old with his cast
But, life is good.  If you remember my youngest had an accident jumping off the couch last week and after getting on a cast he has been back to his usual energetic self.  He's no longer in any pain.  Yay!!!  He choose an off white color for his cast because it glows in the dark!  He he!!  And since it isn't waterproof he couldn't be happier he won't have to bathe for 3 weeks!  What he doesn't know is mama can be still get him clean just a bit more creatively!

Blessings on your day, my friend!


  1. Your sons are all so handsome! Especially the one in the salmon colored shirt.
    Glad your Easter was wonderful! :)

  2. Thank you, Kathy, for a great remembrance of the death,burial, and resurrection of our Lord through the symbols chosen.

    It is always a joy to be with you and the many happy memories.

    I loved our adventure today!!!

    Our love always...
