
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

This is the last week of pre-K for my youngest son.  He filled in the blanks of this sweet little book (okay so his teacher wrote what he said and he colored the pictures!)

The purity of his words are so touching.  I can't believe he will "graduate" in just a few days.  It is a closing of a chapter in his life and he's eager for the next one, Kindegarten.  I, on the other hand, am struggling with it!  With every step my children take towards more independence it tears at my heart, the first time being away from my baby, their first day of preschool, their first day of  kindegarten, their first sleepover with a friend, first day of high school, first date, etc.  God give me the grace to accept it and to be their biggest cheerleader, watching them every step of the way, praying they will be successful and fulfill God's calling in their lives.

May there always be sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. That was so touching Kathy, how wonderfully you express your heart as you share with us. Thank you!

    It is awesome to watch your children grow, but to have the grace to let them is even more awesome. May you abound is grace is my prayer.
