We are anticipating the arrival of a very special Grammie due to arrive today. I have been cleaning and doing some baking to welcome her into our home. She will be traveling by train.
I just think that sounds so romantic and chock full of adventure! Have you ever been on a train? I haven't; but I can imagine the sights, sounds and smells aboard such an interesting piece of transportation.
She will arrive just in time to watch my 10-year old play in his last baseball tournament of the year. He has been practicing hard and is really looking forward to the competitive games.
We also will be visiting a tea room (just her and I - no boys allowed!) I began this tradition with her several years ago when I lived in Missouri. She had never been to a tea room before and thoroughly enjoyed it as did I. While we may not be as dressed up as these ladies (which by the way it's good etiquette to wear a hat to tea) we will pretend we are and have such a lot of fun.
Our days will be full of new experiences and we can't wait to see her!
With love,
I am here and I am loving it!