
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dramatic Dana

I thought I would share some more photos of my friend Dana's visit with me. I so appreciate her spice for life since I can be too serious 99% of the time! This photo was taken in an antique store and she is having quite the deep conversation with the young gentleman, don't you think?

We also visited a historic home and she made yourself  right at home in the 1920's kitchen by donning an apron and convincing me to do the same:) 

This next photo is my favorite.  Can't you just see the sweat pour off her brow???  LOL.  She is standing next to one of the first "automatic" washing machines - one that actually spun the clothes dry.  Can we say an "amen" for modern improvements in the home?

It will come as no surprise to you Dana has had some experience on and off the stage.  She is also a very gifted teacher and has such a love for kids and ministering to the chinese people.  The laughs we had together are priceless!!  



  1. The picturea are wonderful, the oh so dramatic Dana is delightful!!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
