
Monday, August 22, 2011

A Project for Pooch

Snickers, our lovable yellow lab is a stinker for chewing on anything and everything. Little plastic balls or watermelon from my garden have been snatched up by him, torn into tiny pieces and eventually eaten by him.  He is one big chewer!!!

But, hello fleece . . .

 .  .  .  braided and knotted on the ends it becomes a fleece rope toy (find the tutorial here.)

What's genius about this is he hasn't torn it into shreds; and he's had it for about a week.  Amazing.

I made him two (one long and one short) and when I come outside he brings me both and doesn't know which one to play with more!

I could throw this to him all day long and he would never tire of chasing it.  I actually prefer throwing him the shorter rope toy since it's more like a medium size bone (about 14" finished size.) He just loves it!!

Hope you are having an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you posted pictures of this, what a wonder!!! he has not chewed it up yet. Wow!
