
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Brrr . . .

Mounding Petunias with Spike
This morning I awoke to the sound of my furnace blowing through the vents. Really? How can that be? It's been months since I heard that last.  I am going to miss my pretty flowers as they succumb to the cold temperatures. I have been so pleased with my pots of petunias. Low maintenance with big rewards they have been. As a result they are on my repeat list for next year.  I will miss them as I gaze upon them while eating my oatmeal in the morning or preparing a meal later in the day.

Thankfully, our roses have gone through another round of blooms. Their vibrant color is a bright spot in the garden.

Can there be anything more beautiful than the unfolding of a rose?  The layers upon layers are astounding. And as you get closer and breathe in the scent it is refreshment for the soul.

Today, I will be cleaning up my sewing room with projects gone wild and heading to the mall to buy a jacket for my oldest son.  Is this the same son who years ago wouldn't wear a coat insisting it was warm outside?  Times they do change!

BleSsings as you go about your day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, are those flowers ever beautiful! I wish mine were like that, but then I have no ground to put them in....

    My Aloe Vera plant is thriving, one would think I lived in a desert..hehe

