
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Winds of Change

I've entered into a new season of my life, quite fitting with fall upon us.  This week found me back into the work force after 11 years of being blessed to be home full time with my boys.

Besides missing my boys what I miss the most is being able to get outside or at least see outside.   So, this afternoon with the breeze on my face I took a walk around my gardens enjoying the vibrant blooms that still speak of a summer gone by.

My double knock-out roses keep blooming their little heads off and make a spectacular splash of vibrant pink against our green lawn.

This little geranium I rescued from the 50cent table at Lowe's has done quite well. 

Our trees have begun to change colors so I know these blooms will fade all too soon.  But, for today I celebrate their beauty and the joy they bring to my heart.



  1. Hi Kathy,
    I hope you are enjoying your new job. It is a change going back to work outside the home, isn't it? I pray the transition is smooth. :)
    Your flowers are beautiful! My flower beds are starting to go to sleep for the winter. Changes all around. I am ready and excited to see what comes next. How about you? :)

  2. Your flowers are lovely. Hope your day went well.
