
Monday, September 20, 2010

The Great Physician

Today I have been meditating on healing scriptures and God 's "great physician" character. A couple of weeks ago I developed an extremely itchy rash. It was a mystery to me what caused it. My husband kept saying it was poison ivy but I hadn't been in the woods (or so I thought.) But, then I remembered taking my son's picture on a walk and I went back to examine the plants near it and sure enough there it was! My husband was right (prior experience lets just say!) It itched so bad and spread very quickly. Well, today it is nearly gone and I am so thankful to the Lord!! I believe healing comes from God and it is truly a wonderful gift to receive. Doctors do a wonderful job in aiding the body in healing but trusting in God as the Healer is Kingdom thinking.

So if you ever so this . . .

run from it!! Seriously!

Healing is also on my mind for my Dad who recently was told about cancerous cells in his prostate. I am also praying for Bowen's healing (son of lead singer from the band Santus Real.) He was born with a heart defect. If you go to his website you can keep informed of Bowen's progress. Reading it always moves me to tears.

I had a wonderful bible teacher in Michigan who referred to Psalm 103 as the "benefits chapter." She suggested reading it every morning because it has a way of aligning our thoughts with God's truths. In fact the psalmist, David, even says "do not forget all His benefits."

I'm going to leave you with a portion of the Psalm . . . you may need healing or someone you know does.

Psalm 103: 1-5
"Bless the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from destruction.
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Does it get any better than His promise to forgive all of our sins and heal us of all our diseases? Wow!!!


  1. Thank you for sharing the picture of the poison ivy. I did not know what it looks like and I think that now I've seen it that I might have it in the back yard!! I'm itching just at the thought. Powerful scripture you shared, I needed it today!

  2. Oh that darn poison ivy *grin*. I still remember from when I was in brownies our instructor drilling it into our brains to avoid all leaves of 'three' :) Thank goodness it wasn't anything serious!

    Thank you so much for sharing that verse today. My father just went in for a CT scan yesterday to see if they removed all of the colon cancer from his body. It's his 2nd bought with it having had prostate cancer the first time but bless the Lord, He has healed him both times so far. I'm sorry to hear that your father is going through the same thing :( I will keep your father in my prayers as well as you and your family and for the little boy with the heart defect.

  3. Hi - I am certainly glad to find this. great job!
