
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

So precious!

I am delighted to introduce to you, Izzy,  the newest member to our family (on my husband's side.)  Isn't she darling?  I love how she is smiling and appears to be laughing.  Those first smiles and coos are what we as moms or grammie's/nana's can't wait to see.  I remember being poised over my babies with my camera hoping to catch their first smile to document it's significance.  Oh, the miracle of a smile, a giggle.  How it just warms the heart.  This little cutie debuted into the world earlier than expected and weighted in at a petite 4 lbs 13 oz.  We are so happy that mom and baby are doing well. 

Izzy is wearing the hat I made for her here following Anneliese's pattern at Aesthetic Nest.   I was a bit worried after I finished it that it would be too small but it ended up being just right! 

Unfortunately, I live too far away to see this cutie face to face but seeing her pictures was just a whole lotta fun.

Congratulations Mom, Dad, Nana and Papa.  Babies are such a blessing!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A New Experience

Toes . . . I don't really think about them much.  Maybe I should since they are responsible for getting me everywhere I need to go!!  Well,  I came to the realization they've been hiding inside socks for too long.  It was time to come out of hibernation.  But, first they needed some love . . . like a pedicure! So yesterday I did just that.  I treated my mom-in-love to her first pedicure while she was visiting for Easter.  It was an early birthday present for her.  We don't get to see each other very often so when we are together we like to create special memories.  Like most women we like to go out for lunch and go clothes shopping.  We really went all out with a pedicure this time on top of the others!  Oh, my what fun it was!  It was nice to sit back and be pampered!  And the flowers on our big toes just added that extra special note to the whole experience.  Sadly, her little toes are on their way back home today.  It is colder where she lives so I said make sure you go barefoot in the house if you aren't able to wear sandals outside for awhile. 
Have you ever had a pedicure?  Did you like it?


Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Easter

My boys
After days of heavy rain we awakened Easter morning to warm temperatures and sunshine!  Oh, what a joy  to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and the weather to rejoice about it as well!  These are my boys all dressed up and I was one happy mama to see them in ties when their normal dress is quite the opposite!!  My 2nd oldest was so upset about wearing the "salmon" colored shirt.  No amount of assurance it wasn't pink helped.  But, there weren't any other choices in his size.  Poor guy!!  My eyes are pealed for a different colored shirt for next year!

Coloring Eggs
The day before Easter it's tradition at our house to color hard boiled eggs.  My boys really love this activity and it's fun for them to see the plain white eggs turn into beautiful colors before their eyes.  What a transformation they make!!

Egg Hunting
It's also a tradition for us to hide plastic candy filled eggs for our guys after our Easter brunch.  Except our oldest had the honors of hiding the eggs this year.  Each boy is assigned his own egg color to find.  So my youngest has it easiest with bright orange eggs.

Reaching for an egg from the gutter
But, it becomes more challenging as they get older.  As you can see gutters are not off limits!!  My oldest was very creative in where he placed the eggs.  They had to work pretty hard to find them all.  We were so glad we were able to do this outside.  There have been a number of years it has been too cold or rainy and we did it indoors.

We really enjoyed our day and have been so blessed to have our parents here to share this time with us.  We feasted on a lot of good food and today we are back to rainy skies :(

My 5-year old with his cast
But, life is good.  If you remember my youngest had an accident jumping off the couch last week and after getting on a cast he has been back to his usual energetic self.  He's no longer in any pain.  Yay!!!  He choose an off white color for his cast because it glows in the dark!  He he!!  And since it isn't waterproof he couldn't be happier he won't have to bathe for 3 weeks!  What he doesn't know is mama can be still get him clean just a bit more creatively!

Blessings on your day, my friend!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Homemade Resurrection Eggs

Homemade Resurrection Eggs
Resurrection Eggs aren't really new but they were to us a year ago.  It is a great concept for children to understand what happened to Jesus during his last days.  After reading the scripture I asked my kids to "round up" objects around the house that would represent what occurred; 11 to be exact. The 12th egg remains empty!  Some objects they couldn't find so they printed pictures for those.    It really brought the story to life!

This year my youngest really likes to go open up the eggs and listen to me tell the significance of the objects.

This is what is in our eggs:
#1 - tiny jar of oil  - Mary annointed Jesus feet with expensive oil called spikenard
#2 - Lego guy - Judas - betrayed Jesus
#3 Army guy - soldiers who arrested Jesus
#4 Crown of Thorns (pic)  - what they placed on Jesus head
#5 Black Yarn - the whip they used on Jesus' back
#6 Cross - what Jesus was hung on
#7 Nail - what they peirced his hands and feet with
#8 Coin -  they used silver to cast lots for his robe
#9 Picture of a Rooster - Peter denied Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed
#10 Cloth - they carefully wrapped Jesus in cloth after they took him down from the cross
#11 Stone - what was placed over his tomb
#12 Empty - "He is not here; He is RISEN!"

The tomb is EMPTY!!! Jesus death and resurrection is the most significant event that has ever occurred.  Jesus is the Son of God who came to take our sin away once and for all!!  He lived a perfect and blameless life and the grave could not keep Him.  Hallelujah!

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

No More Monkeys . . .

Do you remember this?  Well, my youngest monkey did just this yesterday and while all my monkeys have done this countless times, this time the landing was all wrong. 

Yep, a compressed fracture is what they are calling it, and he won't be able to see the orthopedic doctor until tomorrow.

This book by Ann Voskamp was all over blogland and I had just picked it up from my library.  Not coincidentally, I was on the chapter of "what in the world, in all this world, is grace?"  Ann's writing is rich in poetry; very beautiful.  She unveils the power of eucharisteo, being thankful where ever you are, living a full life of gratitude.  Because without it we are simply not living, living empty.  But, even during hard times God is with us turning the ugly into something beautiful, His beauty from ashes.  Being able to find and experience his grace, seeing life through His lens, His Word. 

In my journal I am recording His gifts,
  5.  Kind and gentle medical staff to care for little monkey.
  6.  Older monkeys who helped serve little monkey's dinner and carry his laundry to his room without any prompting from Mom monkey.
  7.  Dad monkey's humor in the situation.  Laughter is surely good medicine!

Choosing to live a life of gratitude today.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

"Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord:
peace in heaven, and glory in the highest."
Luke 19:38

Friday, April 15, 2011

For the Joy of Sewing

Isn't he just so cute???  Oh, this photo makes me 
so happy!  He is snuggling with the puppy ribbon blanket I made (found here.)
According to his mom he goes everywhere with it!  Whenever I make something for someone it is to connect with them heart to heart.  Somehow by creating with my hands I give of myself.

His mom said he loves it so much she'd like another one to keep at his day care.

This is the one that will be with him during those special times. 

Now he will have 2 to love on!!  What a joy!

Off it goes to sunny California today!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Notes to God

I don't know how I got out of the habit of journaling during my quiet times but somehow I did.  I recently started up again and how I love it!  I often find myself flipping backwards a few pages to read what I wrote.  Oh, how I enjoy seeing my "prayer requests" turn into "prayers answered."  Not all of them, but most.  Some are still in the "love suffers long" compartment.  I've found my thoughts and feelings poured out onto paper seems to release them into God's heart.  Kind of like little wisps being drawn into God's presence.  I've found no one listens as attentively as He does.  He never tires, He never is in a rush to go somewhere, but rather He's always waiting, eager to be with me and you, too!  

Oh, how faithful He is and how thankful I am to be His child. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

What glorious weather we had this weekend!  It's so funny how fast weather can change.  We went from dreary and cold to sunny and warm just within a short time span.  For the first time in many months I was able to throw the windows open and savor the sounds of our children playing outside.  

We also enjoyed our first cook-out this weekend.  I love getting a break from cooking in the kitchen while hubby takes care of the meals.  The smoky taste of ribs and hamburgers was a refreshing break from my mundane cooking!

But, my favorite part was soaking up the sunshine sitting on the porch and watching my kids running and laughing.  How sweet is that??? 

Spring has really sprung!

Thank you Lord for Spring!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us 
and given Himself for us, 
an offering and a sacrifice to God
for a sweet smelling aroma,"
Ephesians 5:1,2

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Late Night Crocheting

image and pattern found  here
This very cute shrug caught my eye one night as I was up too late perusing the free patterns that lion brand yarn offers.  My, oh, my what a lot of patterns they have!!

Why, I do this to myself I don't know!  As if I don't have enough projects to do!!!!  

I think I have as much fun starting a new project as I do completing one.

Homespun Yarn - Ambrosia

Once I got the rhythm of the stitch it went pretty quick.  One reviewer of the pattern said she did it in 2 hours.  I could only wish to accomplish it in that time!  No, this took me several days.  But, it was kind of fun to make something new for my spring wardrobe where the mercury on the thermometer is anything but steady!  It's a lightweight shrug that keeps me warm without the bulk of a heavy sweater. 

I also "stumbled" upon this cute little chick pattern.

image and pattern found here
Wouldn't they be cute for Easter?  

Sigh . . . not until I get a few other things off my list first!

Happy day!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Gift of Smell

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of smell.

You know the saying you don't really appreciate something until it's gone?  It's so sad but true!  Since I've been battling a cold for 3 days I haven't been able to breathe out of my nose.  Let alone smell!  Which has me thinking of my favorite scents.

Some of my favorite smells are babies,


and fresh baked bread.

What are your favorites?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Scripture


"I will praise you with music,
telling of your faithfulness to all your promises,
O Holy One of Israel."
Psalm 71:22

Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Spring Break

Beef Barley Soup
My boys have been home this week on Spring Break.  We haven't been able to do anything exciting since they've been pretty sick.  Cold, flu, earaches, you name it!!  In an attempt to nourish them back to health I made beef barley soup.

Rolling the bread dough.
 They perked up even more when I told them we were going to make cinnamon rolls.  Sorry, cute little doughboy the ones in the can just don't cut it!!

Yummy Cinnamon Roll!
These are much better!  My boys loved helping me through the whole process.  These will have to be a regular more often because the 2 pans we made are nearly gone!!

Children's Museum in Indianapolis
 We got out a little bit and spent an afternoon at the Children's Museum in Indy.  It was great for our 5-year old who had a blast but my 10-year wasn't quite so amused.  Pre-teen already??  Say it isn't so! 

Spring Training
We are also gearing up for baseball season which starts on Monday.  Our weather still has yet to feel like spring.  Hopefully, it will arrive this month!!

What have you been up to?